Through its operating partnership with the Conservation Farming Trust, Our Food 1200 has been awarded funding through the Welsh Government Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The support has been provided through the Co-operation and Supply Chain Development Scheme – CSCDS Innovative Approaches and Collaborative Growing.
We’ll use this funding for three activities, all part of building a new local food economy:
1. To work with growers to build a “Regenerative Alliance” of small farms serving the local market. Strength in numbers is vital for small enterprises such as these. The Alliance will expand in future and will organise joint business activities that save money, collaborate in growing the local market, and provide on-farm experience for students.
2. To continue the work on finding land, either through leasing or buying land. And we’ll continue to promote these opportunities to growers in pursuit of our 1200 acre target in 10 years time.
3. To initiate a public awareness campaign in our region, with the aim of encouraging more people to switch from buying high-mile imported produce to local, regeneratively grown fruit and vegetables.
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Wanted! Experienced grower to join our Board

Food Shocks Event, Pierhead, Senedd, Cardiff, 16 April 2024

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