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Pilot work placements for would-be regenerative growers

Luke & Rebecca

Looking for hands-on practical experience with one of our local regenerative growers? Well you’re in luck, because we’re offering free 5-day work placements with our 3 Regenerative Alliance farms.

We’ve got 24 places available on this pilot scheme, which runs from now until June 2023*. These places are open to anyone aged 16 or over. And to apply, you just need to complete a simple form, outlining your experience and interest in regenerative growing.

As a work placement trainee, you’ll learn first-hand how to grow sustainable, seasonal and nutritious fruit and veg, while building healthy soil. You’ll also experience all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into running a successful local veg box scheme. And that means you’ll be doing anything from preparing the soil, sowing seeds and nurturing young plants to harvesting crops and preparing them for delivery.

Each work placement is the equivalent of 5 full days. You can book these as a block or spread them across the placement period. And you can choose to work solely at one farm or across all three, giving you a chance to experience different models.

We’re expecting students on the Regenerative Horticulture course at Black Mountains College to snap up around half of the available places. So if you’re interested, don’t delay!

And to find out more about the participating farms, just visit their websites:
Langtons Farm
Tir Awen Market Garden
Orchard Acre Market Garden

* We’ve received funding for this scheme through the Welsh Government Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. This support is provided through the Co-operation and Supply Chain Development Scheme – CSCDS Innovative Approaches and Collaborative Growing.

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